The Cambridge ADHD and Autism Centre now has three locations:
Homerton College on Hills Road CB2 8PH, near the city centre
Fulbourn Health Centre, in a village 5 miles from the city centre
Gillvary Health, just off the north of Hills Road near the city centre:
Map of Homerton with following highlighted:
1 Main entrance
2 Porter’s Lodge
3 Site of Clinic
4 Harrison drive to access rear car park
5 Rear carpark
If you are arriving on foot or bike please go to the Porter’s lodge and wait where you are directed to sit.
If you are arriving by car please go to the rear carpark, drive up to the boomgate, announce that you have an appointment at the clinic, park and please wait in your car.
When your clinician is ready they will phone you and come and collect you from where you are waiting. If your phone number is different to the one on your clinical record please phone 07421 440415 to announce your arrival.
1. Main Entrance
2. Porter's Lodge
3. Site of Clinic
4. Harrison Drive to access rear car park
If approaching from Cambridge:
Past the windmill and down the hill towards Fulbourn, through the first roundabout and left at the second roundabout into Haggis Gap. Halfway down is Swifts Corner on the Left – turn in
Then turn right into the Health Centre car park.
The surgery building has a rear entrance from the car park
Or a front entrance from Haggis Gap